I doubt anyone will read this, but I just want to say thanks to Tom and Wade for providing a great website. One of my favorite hobbies from time to time is going through old reviews and forum posts and seeing how much of a little shit I used to be, most of the reviews have been moderated and I'm surprised I'm still allowed to use this account. But that went from a 12 year old me to a 22 years old.
As far as content growth goes, I've seen creative highs and lows on this site. Right now the site has some strong talent. I am happy flash artists still spend the time to upload here and to youtube. I haven't played too many games lately outside of 10 more bullets, but some of them are pretty gold.
Who knows maybe one day I'll actually make something for this site worth while and maybe start voting again, my level is weak as fuck!
I saw you lurking in the audio forum :P
One of these days I might contribute again!